Fix Damaged Teeth Quickly With Immediate Dental Care

When your smile is suffering as well as you’re in pain, you need a dental expert ready to handle the difficulty of fixing your smile. That’s precisely what you’ll discover at Sequoia Dental Office. Our staff is comprised of gifted, knowledgeable dentists and caring staff members who will give you the best dental experience feasible.

When you’re in pain, you might be much more nervous than typical. If so, we can go at your pace and also answer any type of questions you have concerning your dental care. We intend to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible.

When you come in for your dental emergency, we’ll examine you and suggest any restorative or additional types of dental care to stop your pain as well as get your smile back on course. Below are a few kinds of dental emergencies we typically treat, as well as actions you can take before you arrive at our office:

  • Toothache— Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water, after that use ice or a cool compress to your cheek to help in reducing swelling and also pain.
  • Cracked or Broken Tooth– Use ice to alleviate discomfort as well as swelling, and bring any broken portions with you.
  • Knocked-Out Tooth— Recover the tooth by the crown (noticeable component in your smile), and put it in a container of milk, saltwater, or saliva. Bring it to the office with you.
  • Lost Filling– Place a small amount of dental cement where the filling was as a non permanent measure.
  • Soft-Tissue Injury– Use gauze or a wet tea bag to stop any type of bleeding to your cheek, lips, gum tissues, or tongue.
  • Loose Crown— Apply dental cement or toothpaste to the inside of the crown, and attempt to place it back into place. Bring it with you if it will not stay in place.
  • Loose or Broken Dental Appliance– Dental wax or gauze can really help keep any soft edges from aggravating your mouth.

When time is of the essence, see a skilled emergency dentist in Tulare, CA. Call Sequoia Dental Office now at 559-608-3533 for an appointment. You can also request an appointment online.