Dry Mouth Laser Treatment

Get Lasting Relief Today!

Relieve Your Discomfort With Dry Mouth Laser Treatment in Visalia

Are you fed up with your chronic dry mouth? Does your mouth get so dry that no amount of water quenches your thirst? If this describes you, we have the dry mouth laser treatment in Visalia that you’ve been waiting for. Unlike other treatments that offer only temporary relief of symptoms, our therapy will help you:

  • Eliminate your thirst and feel more comfortable
  • Sleep better without waking up to a severely dry mouth
  • Prevent tooth decay and other oral problems
  • More easily chew food
  • Avoid embarrassing social interactions caused by the bad breath often associated with dry mouth

Get the help you need now! Call Sequoia Dental Office today at 559-608-3533 to schedule an appointment. You’ll find our friendly office at 5601 W. Hillsdale Ave., just down the street from the post office.

Eliminate Chronic Dry Mouth With Laser Therapy

Adequate saliva is needed to help keep your mouth, teeth, and gums healthy and working normally. Saliva washes away food particles that get trapped in your mouth, helping keep plaque, tartar, and bacteria from collecting on your teeth and gums. A continuously dry mouth means you don’t have enough saliva to maintain good oral health. This increases your risk for cavities and gum disease.

As part of our general dentistry services, the team at Sequoia Dental Office now offers a revolutionary way to fight back against dry mouth. Using low-level laser treatment, we can stimulate your salivary glands to produce more saliva, which is exactly what you need to overcome your chronic dry mouth. With an increase in saliva production:

  • Your mouth will be more moist.
  • You will feel more comfortable.
  • You won’t feel the urge to drink water nonstop.
  • Your appetite will improve, and mealtimes will be enjoyable again.
  • Your biting and chewing will be easier.
  • Your digestion will be more complete.
  • You will talk more plainly and be understood easier.
  • Your breath will be more pleasant.
  • Your dentures will fit better.
  • Your mouth will be healthier overall.

Plus, your laser dry mouth therapy will be completely painless. The light from the laser will do its job in minutes, and you won’t feel a thing. Both treatment and recovery are quick. Unlike some other solutions, you won’t have side effects. Best of all, you won’t feel thirsty all the time.

We Can Help With Your Dry Mouth No Matter the Cause

There are many causes for a dry mouth, although one of the most frequent is side effects from various medications, including:

  • Antidepressants
  • Painkillers
  • Blood Pressure Medications
  • Antihistamines/Decongestants
  • Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs

Other causes for a chronic dry mouth include:

  • Radiation Therapy For Cancer
  • Dehydration
  • Diabetes
  • Dry Weather

Don’t waste another day without getting the help you deserve. Call Sequoia Dental Office today at 559-608-3533 to schedule an appointment for dry mouth laser treatment in Visalia. You can also schedule online.


Common Questions About Dry Mouth Laser Treatment

What does dry mouth mean?

If you have a chronic dry mouth, there could be a number of causes for this condition. It could be a result of a medication you’re taking, lack of sufficient saliva production, or a disease such as diabetes. Radiation treatment for cancer can also cause a dry mouth. We’ll work to understand the root cause of your problem before any treatment is performed.

Is there a way to cure dry mouth permanently?

Depending on the cause of your dry mouth, it may or may not be possible to cure the condition permanently. If your dry mouth is caused by a medication, relief may be as simple as switching medications under the care of your physician. If diabetes is behind your dry mouth, getting this disease under control will most likely help resolve dry mouth.

Can dry mouth cause bad breath?

Chronic bad breath is one of the symptoms of dry mouth. Normally, saliva helps wash away the dead cells that are constantly accumulating in your mouth. If they aren’t removed, these cells cause your breath to smell bad. Saliva also helps rinse away substances that, when combined with the bacteria in your mouth, cause cavities and gum disease.

Why do you have dry mouth in pregnancy?

The hormonal changes that occur in pregnancy frequently result in dry mouth. In addition, it’s easier to become dehydrated during pregnancy because your body requires more water to help your baby develop. It’s important to drink lots of water when you’re pregnant! If you’re bothered by dry mouth, see us about treatment that can help.

How can you treat dry mouth at home?

Depending on the cause of your dry mouth, you can take successful steps to remedy the condition. It may be as simple as drinking more water to keep you well hydrated. We can also recommend specialty products you can use at home to help keep your mouth moist so you feel more comfortable.

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